The American Institute for Southeast European Studies, Inc. was established as an independent, not-for-profit organization in New York State by a small group of American scholars who have dedicated their careers to the study of aspects of history and society of countries situated in southeastern Europe. Two of the founders, Prof. Lynn Roller (Professor Emerita, of University of California, Davis) and Dr. Cynthia Lintz (PhD from Virginia Tech; Installation Program Integrator at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba) serve as Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees. The other Board members, Dr. Ioana Muresan (Gavrila Simeon Eco-Museum Research Institute, Tulcea, Romania), Prof. Victor Plamenov Petrov (PhD Columbia University), Amy Ramm (), and Richard Record (Peace Corps) as well as AISEES Administrator, Prof. Eric C. De Sena, all have deep connections with the region.
The Mission of AISEES is to facilitate research and discussion of subjects in the humanities and social sciences in the context of Southeast Europe for the period between antiquity and the present. We accomplish our mission by offering fellowships and grants as well as by organizing public outreach events.
The AISEES Blog presents reflections, historical summaries, events, travel information and other news about the culture and history of southeastern Europe.