AISEES Fellowships and Travel Grants
AISEES offers fellowships and travel grants designed to promote research by North American scholars in southeastern Europe and support scholars in southeastern Europe who wish to attend professional conferences of international importance.
Each year (Feb. 15 deadline), AISEES awards three fellowships of $3000 to graduate students and early postdocs (up to 5 years after PhD) affiliated with an institution in the USA for research in the Humanities and Social Sciences that requires travel to one or more of the countries of southeastern Europe. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 15, 2025
Each year (April 15 deadline), AISEES awards three travel grants of up to $2500 to southeast European scholars affiliated with an institution in their home country who wiil present a paper or will organize a session at a recognized scholarly meeting or conference of international importance related to topics in the Humanities or Social Sciences.
The annual Lynn Roller Research Fellowship for Senior US and Southeast European Faculty and Scholars (December 15 deadline) offers one $5000 fellowship to a scholar based in the USA and one $3000 fellowship to a scholar based in SE Europe (both at least 5 years beyond their PhD). Their research in one or more of the countries of southeastern Europe will be in the Humanities or Social Sciences
Pending funding, we offer grant of 1800 euro to an American undergraduate or graduate student who will participate on one of the archaeology or preservation projects of the Balkan Heritage Foundation.
Information about the fellowship and grants program and application forms:
Lynn Roller Research Fellowship for Senior Scholars in the USA and SE Europe
Applications Due | December 15
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Graduate Student/early Postdoc Fellowship
Applications Due | February 15
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Travel Grant for SE European Scholars
Applications Due | February 15
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AISEES Summer Scholarship with Balkan Heritage Foundation
Applications Due | pending funding
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